LPIC-1 102-500 Practice Exams
250 Questions and Answers to test your knowledge
After the success of LPIC-1 101-500 Practice Exams, the new simulation book for exam 102-500 is finally ready to help you pass the last part of the LPIC-1 certification. The book is marked as an LPI Publishing Partner resource and consists of 250 questions and answers divided into four practice exams and an assessment test. Each practice exam simulates a real LPI 102 exam and its questions, as well as those of the assessment test, have been designed as useful exercises to focus on the main topics, improve Linux skills and abilities, and test your knowledge before taking the real exam. In addition, a detailed explanation of each question allows you to see not only the correct answer, but also the general context to which the question refers.
- エディション:
- First Edition
- 年:
- 2020
- 出版社:
- Marco Colombo (lulu.com) - LPI Publishing Partner
- 言語:
- EN
- 9780244265892